Whirlpools and gravity

A Crescendo

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Location: Berkeley, CA

Saturday, July 22, 2006


Dizziness inflates
like the creation of infinity
Allowing droplets of dissolving innocence
to be sampled before our sole contrast grows
permanently misunderstood, misled, and misplaced

With much hesitation we share a memory
since nature promises to catch us in her arms
She says, embrace – for what happens, happens

So we become defined as a typified manner of experience
Pressed against the structure of multiple insinuations
we remain impassive towards sorrow or joy

And at the end, when the eyes last met, a current
of thought tumbled from those vacant skies,
quietly gathering in a pool of
bright smiles and faded

Thursday, July 13, 2006


Listen if you can, smile when you don't, for life is but a lone digit.

Sometimes I rush to step in, carefully treading mines, dodging verbal attacks.. Immunological memory keeps me hollow but protected, instilling clearer vision - to temporarily avoid further conflict and further scarring. This family.

When the words hit my parents, I see the lined face of a silent father, the many images of him standing in the dark, a mother who sacrificed so much she became lost in it all..
Testify the power in mere words: even without the physical violence I feel a deadened weight, the return of a bruise as they reach everyone's ears, ears, eyes..

Before, I felt anger. Sadness has since replaced indignity.

I argue when they say
There's nothing we can do.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Calculated remorse

Once, I played the lottery by
pining meager amounts of
energy into these
sleeping ears.

And with Life's dice I rolled
a sudden pair of unrelenting
words and unforgiving
reactions for this.


She's becoming Material Girl in her Material World so far from everyone yet wanting to be close to them all.


Tell me why the


R u p t u r e s.

Wherever I go
you're there,
your dare,
preventing a
common Farewell.